
Parallel Gut Bioreactors

  • Manufacturer
  • Model
    BioRecipeV2.0; Minibox5 1.3L*4;
  • Purchasing Date
Manufacturer T&J Model BioRecipeV2.0; Minibox5 1.3L*4;
Purchasing Date 2023 Booking

The parallel gut bioreactors offer several utilities for research, including:

  1. Study of gut microbiota-host interactions: By simulating the conditions of the human gut, researchers can investigate the complex interactions between the gut microbiota and the host, including nutrient metabolism, immune responses, and the impact of various interventions.

  2. Evaluation of dietary interventions: The system can be used to assess the effects of different diets, prebiotics, probiotics, or other interventions on the gut microbiota composition and functionality.

  3. Drug metabolism and toxicity testing: Researchers can utilize the SHIME system to study the metabolism and potential toxicity of drugs and other substances in the gut environment, providing insights into their effects on the gut microbiota and overall gut health.

  4. Assessment of gut fermentation: The system allows for the analysis of fermentation patterns and the production of various metabolites by the gut microbiota, providing valuable information about gut health and metabolic processes.

Please refer to the following articles for more details:

Wu H, Esteve E, Tremaroli V, et al. Metformin alters the gut microbiome of individuals with treatment-naive type 2 diabetes, contributing to the therapeutic effects of the drug. Nat Med, 2017, 23: 850-858.

Koh A, Molinaro A, Stahlman M, et al. Microbially Produced Imidazole Propionate Impairs Insulin Signaling through mTORC1. Cell, 2018, 175: 947-961 e917.